Feel free to click this link to add some music to your viewing experience. This is "epic Cinematic" by scottholmesmusic.com

Portland Head LH in Portland, ME. Loads of opportunities here. Had to wait for tourists to clear out, since the parking lot provides easy access. It was worth it, though.

Sunset at Yaquina Head LH just north of Newport, Oregon.

The winds whipped the waves on this day. I edited with an old-fashioned, "painting" look on this overcast day around Bandon, Oregon.

Bass Harbor LH in Acadia N.P. The rocks at the point where I stood were tricky to navigate with my photo gear, but worth it.

Pemaquid Point LH in Maine. Carefully trekked below this lighthouse to get this early morning shot. The ocean is just a few yards away to the right. What a peaceful way to start the day.

Cape Mendocino Light, Shelter Cove, NorCal

Yaquina Head L.H. just north of Newport, Oregon