On each page, there's a link (the gray triangle above) to click if you want to listen to background music of Scott Holmes ("Epic Cinematic" by scottholmesmusic.com).  

Taking a break...


Oh, to be in Kauai!

God's Creation is awesome!  I capture slices of it here.

We did it!  Nearly 5000 miles on a grand road trip to Olympic and Mt. Rainier National Parks.  The photo workshop at Olympic with Andy Cook (www.Rockymtnrefl.com) provided many diverse photo opps. Then we weaved our way south and captured many waterfalls in Washington & Oregon.  It will take time to process the hundreds of images we got, let alone several video clips from our GoPro.  Whew!  We thank God for a safe trip!  
Have patience as I will be revising the website.
Watch our YouTube videos by clicking on the YouTube icon at the bottom of any page. The latest video is my trip to the Bisti Badlands of New Mexico.  Talk about unusual..... I've added Instagram & Facebook, too.  I've started posting photos on them.  This is what happens when a retired person has too much time on his hands. 
If for some peculiar reason you are interested in buying an image, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
​​​​​​​Equipment:   Nikon D850 & Nikon D810. I attach my 24-70 mm lens on one camera and my 70-200 mm lens on the other.  Processing images w/Lightroom & Photoshop.

I've accepted that they are part of the fabric weaved into "photography" these days.  During our big trip, several times I waited for them to do their thing before I was able to shoot a scene.  I know I could edit them out of the image I could shoot, but sometimes I'd just wait them out.  The surprising thing was the chances they took like climbing up a sea stack just to get the selfie!  I guess when I was in my 20's, I thought I was "bullet proof" too.

It was refreshing to visit out of the way places that were uncrowded.

Thank you!
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