On each page, there's a link (the gray triangle above) to click if you want to listen to background music of Scott Holmes ("Epic Cinematic" by scottholmesmusic.com).

Taking a break...

Yakso Falls was awesome!
God's Creation is awesome! I capture slices of it here.
2024 recap: It was an eventful year highlighted by a nearlyOur annual fall photo explore went well in Western Colorado. I finally captured Crystal Mill which you will recognize because it's been shot about 5 million times. But, that didn't matter to me. Our new to us Aliner camper served us well. Honestly, this fall's shots lacked the dramatic snow on the mountains as we had in 2022 & '23, but we found new vistas, which kept the trip fresh.
The big summer trip-- nearly 5000 mile car ride in July to Olympic and Mt. Rainier National Parks was a kick. Jackson, our golden, is a great traveling companion. He got his first taste of the Pacific Ocean! I participated in a photo workshop at Olympic with Andy Cook (www.Rockymtnrefl.com) that yielded many diverse photo opps. After the workshop, we drove south, dodging wildfires and capturing impressive waterfalls in Washington & Oregon. Check the new "Waterfall" & "Seascape" pages for new images. Whew! We thank God for a safe trip!
Closer to home, I hired a jeep guide and visited famed Crystal Mill, near Marble, CO. The leaves were a tad past prime, but it was worthwhile. We had a reservation for the iconic Maroon Bells near Aspen. Again, a bit past prime colors. I'll get an earlier reservation next fall. The San Juan Mountains in southwest Colorado always have a soft spot in my heart.
Watch our YouTube videos by clicking on the YouTube icon at the bottom of any page. The latest videos feature Olympic N.P. and many grand Oregon waterfalls.
The "AI" age is here....
You've likely seen AI-generated images on Facebook & Instagram. I don't know if the posters of those images are deliberately trying to fool us, but my guess is "yes". I've seen images where a highway is going through the middle of Bryce Canyon N.P. I've seen images of the San Juan Mountains in southwest Colorado where I know such scenes do not exist. Absent the posters labeling them as AI or a disclaimer of same, I think it's misleading at best and a waste of our time.
Thank you!