Smoke a cigar?  Baxter had you covered back in Victor's mining days!

We're not in Kansas anymore.  The unique terrain of central Utah.

The sun lit this young tree just right.  A waterfall in the background will cause the tree to prosper for years.

Factory Butte in Utah.  A close-up of interesting ridges.

Somewhere in an Oregon forest....brimming with life.

A meeting of the Goblins....tons of them at Goblin Valley State Park in Utah

This ice-encased twig in the Arkansas River caught my eye on a winter's day.

This was an odd-looking stump at some beach in beautiful Kauai.  I took a long exposure to get these smooth blue waves.  The stump looks like a sea monster to me.  Perhaps, I consumed too much coffee this particular morning!

An endless sea of aspens around Crested Butte, CO.  The side-lighting from the left helped give this image depth from the side.  The inverted V-shape in the middle (look closely) provided additional depth.  It also helped that nobody else was around!

If you are wondering, I simply call this blurred aspens.  I swear I was sober as a judge when I took this image.

Great Sand Dunes National Park allows interesting vistas as well as this close-up shot.  I think it's hard to tell how far away I was when I got this shot.  (Answer:  about three feet!)

The red leaves first caught my eye.  Then, these white-barked birches (?) made the rest of this composition by providing a vivid contrast.  This is around Maggie's Valley, near the Great Smoky Mountain N.P.

Two red leaves.

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