"Aspire" by Scott Holmes & scottholmesmusic.com, music to view photos by!

Bisti Wilderness in New Mexico.

Stuff from another planet? Check out that piece of petrified wood on this shot at the Bisti Badlands in New Mexico.

Moonscape Overlook in Utah. We were at the cliff's edge & shot this image. It's a long way down.

I made it to White Pocket in northern Arizona. I hired a guide company for this trip rather than risk our vehicle getting stuck in the deep sand. Heck, two blown-out tires and about 3 hours later we arrived from Kanab.

Bisti Badlands have these "cracked eggs" in a certain spot in this unique wilderness near Farmington, NM.

The sun is setting at White Pocket. The hexagon-shaped rocks are nick-named "brain rocks".

Moonscape Overlook (aka Skyline Overlook) in Utah has this boggling view. Don't stand too close to the edge!

Goblins abound in Goblin Valley State Park, Utah

It's as if you entered another world....in Antelope Canyon, near Page, AZ. Just natural sunlight pouring into this slot canyon. I took this photo in 2010 when "photo tours" were available. They allowed extra time for photographers to set up for great shots. Today, I don't believe they offer those tours. Indian guides are needed to gain access since it is on Navajo land.

Sunset at the Painted Mines in Colorado. I am not posting a location because vandals have damaged some of the cool rock formations. Shame Shame!